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Litter-Free Mobile Partner

Become a Partner

Mobile is a beautiful, 300-year-old city with hundreds of miles of waterways, acres of greenspace protected parks, and millions of trees. As a community, we are striving daily to create a safer, more business and family friendly city for existing Mobilians and to welcome new businesses, new families, and tourists from across the globe. Among the paths to accomplish this goal, addressing litter is one we must solve to show the rest of the world we have pride in our home. If you are ready for Mobile to become an award winning, Litter-Free city we can be proud to call home, we need you to be a Litter-Free Mobile Partner.

Why Partner?

The way we have been approaching litter needs an overhaul. Each of us picking up the trash someone else throws on the ground isn’t a sustainable solution, nor is one education program, one litter ticket, or one big trash wheel.  We need an “All In” approach to make a real difference.

Who is involved? 

Everyone willing is encouraged to be a Partner! All City of Mobile departments will be joining business, non-profit, and community groups to gather the best ideas and broadest reach. We are looking to add different economic sectors – tourism, retail, restaurant, industry, and you.

How often will Partners Meet? 

The Partners won’t meet so check that worry off your list. Partners will get periodic emails with new information, and you will be invited to occasional get togethers.

What is required to be a Litter-Free Mobile Partner?

Being a Partner means you, your business, your organization, and/or community group is committed to working for a Litter-Free Mobile. Partners are the key to a successful campaign because you are taking ownership over the problem. The Task Force is creating common messaging, a bank of tools, and locating resources that can be shared with all those willing to engage. Partners agree to regularly share those messages, teach your teams about how litter impacts our community and how we can stop it. Partners also can host or join clean-ups and help share additional ideas for solving our community’s litter problem. 

Email Casi (kc) Callaway at for more information.