RFP 5870 Rapid Response Rescue Boat, Mobile Fire Rescue Department
Bid #: 5870
Date Posted: Friday, Jan 26, 2024
Date Due: Thursday, Feb 22, 2024
Time of bid opening: 5:00pm
The City of Mobile (“City”) is soliciting proposals for the design, construction, delivery, and support of a rapid-response rescue boat for the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department (MFRD). The MFRD seeks to replace its 28’ rescue boat with an equivalent size, rapid-response, foam or hybrid-foam collar rescue boat, and is seeking proposals to design, fabricate, and deliver the replacement boat. This contract is being funded in whole or part with a Federal Port Security Grant. The contract terms required by 2 CFR 200 are incorporated into the terms of this RFP and will be included in any purchase documents. Proposers must hold a current General Services Administration (GSA) or other Alabama-Examiner-of-Public-Accounts-approved cooperative (“cooperative”) purchasing contract for such a boat,and are to quote pricing and contract terms consistent with, or more favorable to the City than, those of the GSA or cooperative contract. This City previously issued RFP 5850 with similar requirements, but elected not to award from that RFP. The City is resoliciting with updated specifications and scoring weights.
Sealed written proposals are due by 5:00pm, February 22, 2024. Written questions by email are due to by 5:00pm, February 14,2024.
Select the link below for the complete Request for Proposals (RFP) and Addendum 1.
Please Click for File Attachment
Please Click for Addendum 1 Attachment
It is the responsibility of the BIDDER to check for, download and to include with their BID RESPONSE any and all ADDENDUMS that are issued for a specific BID issued by the City of Mobile. Failure to download and include ADDENDUM(s) in your BID RESPONSE may cause your bid to be rejected. This is a sealed bid. Any responses faxed or e-mailed will be rejected. This is a sealed bid. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the bid number on the outside of the envelope with the bid opening date. Any response that arrives improperly marked or with no bid number and opening date on the outside of the delivery or express package and opened in error will be rejected and not considered. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that their bid response is delivered to and received in the Purchasing Department before the date and time of the bid opening. Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions. All bids are F.O.B. Destination unless otherwise stated. Be sure to sign your bid! Package/Bid Delivery Address: Purchasing Department 205 Government St. Room S408 Mobile, AL 36644 (Request First Delivery)