PR-023-24 Azalea City Golf Course Pump House Repairs - Electrical Upgrades
Real Estate Asset Management
Bid #: PR-023-24
Date Posted: Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024
Date Due: Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024
Time of bid opening: 3:00pm
Azalea City Golf Course – Pump House Repairs -
Electrical Upgrades
1000 Museum Drive,
Mobile, Alabama 36608
Notice is hereby given that the City of Mobile will receive quotes for the above stated project on Wednesday April 17, 2024, no later than 3:00 P.M. local time in the Architectural Engineering Department, 205 Government Street, P.O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633. A pre-quote conference shall be held on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. - at front to Pump House Structure located near Museum Drive on the lake side Azalea City Golf Course 1000 Museum Drive, Mobile, Alabama 36608. A representative of the Quoter is required to be present at the meeting. However, if no representative can be present in person, the Quoter shall contact the Project Manager at (251)406-2678, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, in order to coordinate attendance of the meeting by conference call. Quoters shall visit the site prior to submitting a Quote and include all costs associated with the project in their Quotes. This project is Tax Exempt.
Request for Quotes are on file and may be examined and obtained from the following location:
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation may be required. A Directory of DBE Vendors can be found at the following location:
Please Click for File Attachment
Please Click for Addendum 1 Attachment
Please Click for Addendum 2 Attachment
It is the responsibility of the BIDDER to check for, download and to include with their BID RESPONSE any and all ADDENDUMS that are issued for a specific BID issued by the City of Mobile. Failure to download and include ADDENDUM(s) in your BID RESPONSE may cause your bid to be rejected. This is a sealed bid. Any responses faxed or e-mailed will be rejected. This is a sealed bid. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the bid number on the outside of the envelope with the bid opening date. Any response that arrives improperly marked or with no bid number and opening date on the outside of the delivery or express package and opened in error will be rejected and not considered. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that their bid response is delivered to and received in the at the location or address specifically directed in the specification by the date and time prescribed.